Exploring the virulence of kasA and kasB gene of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains

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Biraj AdhikariFollow


Sciences & Mathematics

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Exploring the virulence of kasA and kasB gene of the M. tuberculosis strains

Biraj Adhikari

Mississippi University for Women; Columbus; MS

Complex lipids on the pathogens cell surface are one of the cause of pathogens virulence. In case of M. tuberculosis, complex lipids along with lipoglycans on its cell surface makes its virulence stronger. In this study we are exploring the virulence caused by the gene product of kasA and kasB gene among different strains of M. tuberculosis.

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Apr 12th, 1:00 PM

Exploring the virulence of kasA and kasB gene of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains

Exploring the virulence of kasA and kasB gene of the M. tuberculosis strains

Biraj Adhikari

Mississippi University for Women; Columbus; MS

Complex lipids on the pathogens cell surface are one of the cause of pathogens virulence. In case of M. tuberculosis, complex lipids along with lipoglycans on its cell surface makes its virulence stronger. In this study we are exploring the virulence caused by the gene product of kasA and kasB gene among different strains of M. tuberculosis.