Sexual Wellness and Knowledge of College Students

Student's Information

Aubrey ParkerFollow


Psychology & Family Studies

Format of Presentation


Research Category

Social Sciences


This research project aims to conduct further research using a questionnaire developed by the fall 2022 FSC 330 class to assess the sexual health knowledge of W students. I plan to study their use as a potential educational tool to provide sexual health knowledge to W students in addition to assessing their sexual health knowledge. The revised survey consists of topics that cover: contraceptives, women’s/ men’s sexual health and anatomy, gender/ sexual orientation, sexual coercion, STIs, and lastly love/ communication. The survey we are currently making will have three different versions that are: feedback on incorrectly answered questions, feedback on correctly/ incorrectly answered questions and no feedback. This is to test if feedback will improve test scores. To start the experiment, I will give the participants access to versions where feedback is given. One week after the surveys are finished, I will release the final version with no feedback to evaluate the knowledge of the explanations that were given. The hypothesis is those given the most information will perform better on a posttest of sexual health knowledge. Although the data collection is incomplete, preliminary results will be provided at the time of the conference with most recent results. Analysis will not be available by the time of the presentation.

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Apr 12th, 3:00 PM

Sexual Wellness and Knowledge of College Students

This research project aims to conduct further research using a questionnaire developed by the fall 2022 FSC 330 class to assess the sexual health knowledge of W students. I plan to study their use as a potential educational tool to provide sexual health knowledge to W students in addition to assessing their sexual health knowledge. The revised survey consists of topics that cover: contraceptives, women’s/ men’s sexual health and anatomy, gender/ sexual orientation, sexual coercion, STIs, and lastly love/ communication. The survey we are currently making will have three different versions that are: feedback on incorrectly answered questions, feedback on correctly/ incorrectly answered questions and no feedback. This is to test if feedback will improve test scores. To start the experiment, I will give the participants access to versions where feedback is given. One week after the surveys are finished, I will release the final version with no feedback to evaluate the knowledge of the explanations that were given. The hypothesis is those given the most information will perform better on a posttest of sexual health knowledge. Although the data collection is incomplete, preliminary results will be provided at the time of the conference with most recent results. Analysis will not be available by the time of the presentation.