Ellard-Murphree-Pilgreen-Smith Family Papers Collection
Language Note: We recognize that items in this collection use outdated and/or racist language. Unless otherwise noted, this is the language used by the record creator(s) and not imposed by the Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections. Visit our website to read our harmful language policy.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 14, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine recounts her travel from Pittsboro to Memphis and tells Woody how much she misses him.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 18, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine tells Woody she got back to Pittsboro from Memphis after getting her last shots. She sees a piano recital in Pittsboro.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 21, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine writes that Sonny Boy is visiting the family in Pittsboro. She updates Woody on local affairs: the death of a black neighbor, attending church, and a new pig on their farm.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 23, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine tells Woody about a visit from Pauline, an African American woman who helps wash their clothes, where Pauline tells about the funeral of Mose, a former slave and well-known man in the community.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust; April 25, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine writes about doing yard work and chores around the house.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust; April 27, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Cristine updates Woody about her travel plans and tells him about a car accident involving her father. She mentions he family and neighbors.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 29, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine writes about getting a wisdom tooth removed, and she says that her departure date has been delayed.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 3, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine tells Woody about her vaccine progress, and that she and Martha dressed up one day, receiving cat calls. She helps Dot bury her dog, Poochie.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 5, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine writes Woody about getting over a stomach flu and her family's Easter plans. She relays news from mutual friends. She encloses a letter from Tamar, a friend.
Letter from Christine Faust to Woody Faust, April 7, 1947
Edith Christine Faust
Christine tells Woody about attending church on Easter Sunday and the following family celebrations. She thanks Woody for sending flowers. Enclosed is a letter from Pauline also thanking Woody for the flowers.