
Prediabetes is a condition in which a person has impaired glucose metabolism; however, his or her glucose levels do not meet criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes (ADA, 2019). Prediabetes is associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease (ADA, 2019). Early diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes, including lifestyle interventions and medical management, are vital in preventing prediabetes from progressing to diabetes. The review of current literature indicates that prediabetes testing is not being properly utilized in primary care settings. The purpose of this study was to determine if primary care providers (PCPs) were performing prediabetes A1C screenings for patients 18 and older who were overweight, obese, or had a BMI that was 25 or greater, as well as one or more additional risk factors for prediabetes; the study also included patients who were 45 or greater without further risk factors. The intention was to bring awareness of the proper guidelines required of PCPs in testing patients for prediabetes. It is the obligation of PCPs to test asymptomatic patients who are at risk of developing prediabetes or diabetes mellitus (ADA, 2019). Primary care providers can use this information to increase their knowledge and practice of performing appropriate testing on overweight and obese patients.


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


First Advisor

Dr. Suanne Davidson

Second Advisor

Dr. Alena Lester

Third Advisor

Dr. Beth Turner

Document Type


Included in

Nursing Commons