
Job satisfaction influences employee retention, employee self-actualization, worker productivity, and performance quality. This study investigated the factors that influence family nurse practitioners' (FNPs) job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. Additionally, the study was an attempt to ascertain the intrinsic and extrinsic factors as well as the general level of job satisfaction. A descriptive survey design with a triangulated approach utilizing quantitative and qualitative methods was used. Job satisfaction was conceptualized based on Frank Herzberg's dual-factor theory of satisfaction and motivation. A random sample of 100 FNPs was surveyed with the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form and a researcher-designed Demographic Data Questionnaire that also contained two open- ended questions concerning job satisfaction. The responses to the two questionnaires were analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics. Content analysis was used on the two write-in response questions to identify common themes. Findings suggested that most FNPs in the study were moderately or highly satisfied with their jobs. In addition, the researcher found that the level o f intrinsic job satisfaction in the majority of the subjects was high and that the extrinsic satisfaction levels were somewhat lower with 20% of the sample dissatisfied with the extrinsic aspects of their work. Factors found to influence job satisfaction the most in rank order were social service, ability utilization, achievement, moral values, responsibility, social status, and independence. In rank order, the factors found to influence job dissatisfaction the most were company policies and practices, supervision-human relations, advancement, compensation, recognition, co-workers, and supervision-technical. Six common themes were identified from the open-ended question concerning the most satisfying aspects of FNPs' jobs. The six themes concerning IV satisfaction included patient interaction and ability to help people, personal growth and learning, autonomy and independence, opportunity to educate patients and students, benefits, and support from physicians and co-workers. Additionally, six common themes were identified from the open-ended question concerning the most dissatisfying aspects of FNPs' jobs. These six themes were managed care and reimbursement issues, supervision and management, lack of benefits and low salary, extra responsibilities, patient issues, and finally lack o f recognition. Implications for the areas o f nursing practice, health administrators, nursing educators, and research are given. Recommendations for further study include replication of the study with a population representing other states or perhaps a longitudinal study


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


Publication Number


First Advisor

Lynn Chilton

Second Advisor

Sandra Faukner

Document Type


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Nursing Commons