Volume 7, Issue 1 (2023)
Dear Readers:
I would like to take this time to thank my wonderful faculty advisor, faculty reviewers, fellow Merge staff members, and my submitters for taking the time to help make this year’s issue possible. I appreciate them for contributing to this issue. As a graduating senior, I look forward to the legacy of Merge and the growing undergraduate research at MUW.
Madison Hankins
Editor in Chief, 2022-23
The Impact of Using Best Practices to Improve English Language Arts Standardized Test Scores in Rural Central Mississippi Schools
Caroline Greer Ferguson
How Covid-19 has Affected the Hand Hygiene Habits of Healthcare Majors and Non-Healthcare Majors
Anna Kate McDaniel
Creating A Play Using Noh and The Stanislavski Method
John Alex Nunnery

- Chief Editor
- Madison Hankins
- Staff
- Carson McClung
- Caitlyn Craft
- Jordan Taylor
- Cover Artist
- Katelyn Lowe
Faculty Advisor
- Dr. Kim Whitehead