
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2020)

The Mississippi University for Women has provided unbelievable experiences for me, and Merge has not been an exception. Over this year, I have worked jointly with Merge and the Office of Undergraduate Research, and these projects have connected me more to this university more than I had been for my previous two years. Did I fear the amount of work I was taking on? Yes, however, I have learned that I like creating something that I am proud of. Did I think I was going to fail? Yes, but it is completely natural to have those thoughts, but you can never let them harm your progress. I’m thankful for the opportunities I have been graced with over the past year and I am sad to let this go. When I first talked to Dr. Whitehead, I made it clear that I wanted to make this my own, moving away from past boundaries and overall, be the overly-extra person I am. As my family, friends, and professors can attest to, I can be very driven when trying to accomplish a task. I apologize to those individuals that I have bothered, but you have all become part of this journey. I would like to thank Dr. Whitehead and the Ida E. Gordy Honors College for providing me this opportunity, the student editors and faculty reviewers that I bothered consistently, and those students who submitted to Merge after I convinced them it was not as scary as they believed. Overall, I hope I have grown Merge and left it in a better place.

Lauren Harmon

Managing Editor, 2018-19



Nathan Burgess
Victoria ‘Tori’ Choate
Managing Editor
Lauren Harmon
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Kim Whitehead
Faculty Reviewers
Mr. Hugh Cooper
Dr. Nora Corrigan
Dr. Travis Hagey
Dr. Bridget Pieschel
Dr. Chanley Rainey
Dr. Melissa Smith
Mr. John Williams