
The importance o f resilience as a concept is clearly defined throughout the lifespan. Therefore it is very important to understand the responsibility o f nurse practitioners in promoting resilience. Resilience is affected by assessment, diagnosis, education, and health promotion given from all healthcare providers. McAllister (2003), states that “whilst a problem focus is criticized by some, it remains largely unchallenged as the guiding light for nursing practice” (p.l). She goes on to state that “by refocusing on a solution focused approach, we could show how we are different from medicine, and how we aim to do nursing differently through using skills such as engagement, resiliencebuilding, community development, primary health care, and health education” (McAllister 2003, p .l) which speaks volumes about the concept of promoting resilience. Although little research has been conducted over time, resilience building as a concept has roots in nursing. According to Pfettsher (2002), Florence Nightingale, who is known as the matriarch of modem nursing, thought that at one point in time every person would have some responsibility in the wellbeing o f others. “Nightingale envisioned the maintenance o f health through the prevention o f disease via environmental control; what she described is modem public health nursing and the more modem concept o f health promotion” (Pfettsher, 2002, p.70). With this concept of health promotion through environmental control nurses can reach to envision all the areas they attribute wellness and health including resilience building. Using the evidenced based medicine (EBM) approach, based on Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Roseburg, and Haynes (2000), knowledge was developed according to methods o f systematic reviews of randomized control trials, data-based and theory based literature and was compared with current practice competencies, resulting in a number of best practice recommendations. Researchers have shown some interest in the subject of resilience and most findings from existing studies support its importance. However recommendations emphasize that additional research with more advanced design and methodology is needed to confirm resilience building as a valid part o f the nurse practitioner practice. The further need in promoting resilience as an advanced practice nurse is critical. Evidence based practice modalities that will utilize current prospective regarding the role o f the nurse practitioner in promoting resilience are essential for nurse practitioner application in the clinical setting. Implications for nursing theory, nursing research, advanced nursing practice, nurse practitioner education, and health policy are provided as they emerge from the concepts explored.


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


Publication Number


First Advisor

Dr. Rebecca Cagle

Second Advisor

Dr. Sandra Kirkland

Third Advisor

Amelia Higginbottom

Document Type


Included in

Nursing Commons