
Glenda Avery


Literature review revealed that hospice nurses and primary care nurse clinicians were similar in nursing philosophy, practice, and professional qualities suggesting that a hospice setting may be a new role dimension for primary care nurses. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare demographic characteristics, personality characteristics, and death anxiety levels among hospice nurses and primary care nurse clinicians. The conceptual framework was Modeling and Role Modeling by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain (1983). A descriptive ex post facto design was used to answer five research questions. The 16 PF Personality Factor Questionnaire, Temp1er Death Anxiety Scale, and the Demographic Questionnaire were used to collect data. A convenience sample of hospice nurses (n = 32) and primary care nurses (n = 30) from two southern states were compared. Descriptive statistics and two tailed t tests were computed. Demographic data were similar except for educational preparation and clinical experience. Comparison of personality characteristics revealed 7 0.8% were similar. Surprisingly, death anxiety was significantly higher for hospice nurses. Conclusions are that primary care nurse clinicians should consider a hospice setting for practice and that administrators might utilize primary care nurse clinicians for hospice care providers. Also, in conclusion, educators should include hospice care in primary nurse clinician cur­ ricula . Recommendations are for additional research in educa­ tional preparation and clinical experience for nurses to practice in a hospice setting. A larger sample is needed along with more research into personalities that emerge in speciality areas of nursing.


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


Publication Number


First Advisor

Mary Patricia Curtis

Second Advisor

Bonnie Lockhard

Third Advisor

BJ Landis

Document Type


Included in

Nursing Commons
