
This research study described the relationship of risk factors associated with high rates of infant m ortality and age in mothers who have experienced the death o f th e ir infants. The research question which guided this study was what is the relationship of stim u li, focal, contextual, or residual, to mothers who have experienced the death of th e ir infants and are classified as eith er high or low risk as determined by age? The Forte' Questionnaire was administered to 20 subjects selected from health departments in two Northwest Alabama counties. The sample was 70% black and 30% white. The null hypothesis stated that there would be no significant correlation of stim uli and risk c la s s ific a tio n for infant m ortality as determined by age in mothers who have experienced the death of th e ir infants. Data were analyzed using the Spearman rho correlational c o e ffic ie n t, r. (10) .30, p .20. Since this value is not sig n ifican t a t the .05 le v e l, the researcher fa ile d to reject the hypothesis. No relationship was found between risk factors for infant m ortality and age. The researcher recommends that further research using a randomized sample be conducted using a tool with established r e lia b ility to determine i f a sig n ifican t correlation exists between id e n tifie d risk factors fo r in fan t m ortality and age. In addition, other risk factors or combinations of risk factors should be assessed in correlating stimuli to mothers who are high and low risk fo r infant m o rtality.


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


Publication Number


First Advisor

Dr. Mary Patricia Curtis

Document Type


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Nursing Commons