
Marlene Hurst


The purpose of this study was to determine which power strategies nurse clinicians utilize in resolving conflict with physicians. A sample of 50 nurse clinicians were surveyed using the Modified Offermann and Schrier Tool. The data were analyzed using the chi-square statistical test. Findings indicate that the most frequently used strategy for conflict resolution is direct, rational power tactics. The most frequently used strategies were items such as "Openly discussing your differences and needs" or "Telling him/her you've studied the issue and know a lot about it." The strategies used the least were items such as pouting, coercion, or blackmail. The data also revealed that nurse practitioners did not change their power strategy selection according to the gender of the physician. Recommendations for nursing include increasing the realization that power strategy utilization is a daily occurrence which lends itself, through proper utilization, to an increase in power. The researcher further recommends graduate nurses and others to incorporate direct, rational tactics for conflict resolution into their practice. Recommendations include the replication of this study utilizing case studies of common conflicts which occur between nurse clinicians and physicians. The researcher also recommends replicating this study in other geographic areas and in other nursing populations.


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


Graduate Nursing

Degree Date


Publication Number


First Advisor

Doris Saade

Second Advisor

Naucy Hiel

Document Type


Included in

Nursing Commons